Artist Statement
Roger Remaut is a Belgian abstract artist (1942, Oostende) Roger's mixed media paintings are constructions of material, incorporating objects found, textures, layers of paint and graffiti. Scrawled text begs deciphering, impelling the viewer to discover a hidden meaning though none is intended. His works convey a feeling of antiquity with damaged surfaces, scratches, cracks and spots. The paintings are built up slowly with many layers of matter and paint. They are continually changed in a process that involves searching, fighting and looking for a solution where the unconscious is relied upon for inspiration."
After studying art at Academie Oostende, Roger's first major exhibition was in 1982 with his brother Pierre. Selections in international competitions followed with shows in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Germany and the United Kingdom. In a career spanning forty years Roger Remaut has achieved huge success with works hanging in many public and private collections including those of the Belgian national and local governments and Ostend's Museum of Fine Art.
Roger invented himself as an artist by abandoning the constraints of traditional teaching and evolving his own distinct style of informal art. Carrying the whole culture of modern art in his head, he doesn't paint to please the art audience, finding it conservative, critical, lacking understanding and a sense of fun. He is the audience, relishing in his performance.
His paintings depict emotions, moods and feelings. He is a recording instrument, painting reflections of his own surroundings. Ideas come from everywhere including nature, television and books. Sometimes the starting point is a sketch made from something seen in the street. He may see an interesting wall which is impractical to take home so he uses paint to reconstruct it. Mostly the works evolve directly on the canvas. He does not presume to impose a story instead he assembles things that interest him.
Featured Works

Roger Remaut

Mozaïek - detail 1
Roger Remaut

Concept #6
Roger Remaut

Untitled Forever #2
Roger Remaut

Homage to Rothko
Roger Remaut

Icoon (detail)
Roger Remaut

Mozaïek - detail 2
Roger Remaut

Object Noir
Roger Remaut

Make Art Not War
Roger Remaut

Roger Remaut

Roger Remaut

Object with X
Roger Remaut

Forever March
Roger Remaut

Souvenir From Berlin II
Roger Remaut